When is it Appropriate to Ask Why Someone Doesn’t Drink? Well, we guess never. It is common in social gatherings that someone says No for the drink and there could be a lot of personal reasons to that. We understand that sometimes when you are the one drinking, it can be awkward when the other person says no. Definitely, it will raise lots of questions in your mind and then there is a human urge to ask why someone doesn’t drink.
Asking someone for not drinking means a possibility of sticking your hands in a bee hornet. They may not like it at all or may not want to answer the question. You may ask carelessly, but it can be a serious violation of their privacy too. Today, our article is all about When it is appropriate to ask why someone doesn’t drink.
When Is It Appropriate To Ask Why Someone Doesn’t Drink?
First, you have to be emotionally intelligent whether to ask the question to someone or not. You need to know the context. Here is everything to keep in mind.
- The type of gathering matters a lot. It could be a social gathering or maybe a professional one. If you are in a social gathering with close ones, you may be worried about them but still, imagine someone being pregnant and saying no to drinking. You have accidentally violated their privacy now. Or maybe someone is trying to reduce alcohol intake for good. This is also a private matter. So your relationship with the person will also impact the sensitivity of the question.
- In a professional gathering, this is a very non-professional question to ask. Better stay quiet and if the person is comfortable, they will share their reasons themselves. No need to poke a nose into their matters. In general, we suggest avoiding the question unless you are very close to the person and they like confiding in you anyway.
- Well, there is a third scenario! What if the other person is a total stranger and you are the one asking for a drink? It is totally acceptable that they say No. We recommend that they must say no to strangers.
If you still have to ask the question, there must be a solid reason behind it that can morally justify your question. If this is the case, ok. You may ask them why they are not drinking.
How to Ask Appropriately Why Someone Doesn’t Drink?
If you are going to ask why someone is not drinking, keep these things in mind
- Don’t ask in front of everyone. It can embarrass them. Always look for the right moment. Asking the right question at the wrong moment can impact your future relationship with that person.
- Make sure you two are in calm settings so that the person feels relaxed to confide in you.
- Don’t directly and bluntly ask why they are not drinking. Ask as politely and nicely as possible. You can show your concern with ” I have noticed you are not drinking. Are you ok? type of questions.
- Whatever they say trust them. Never show disbelief or ask extra questions.
- Don’t judge them for whatever reason they give.
- Be supportive and respectful of whatever they share with you.
What If You Can’t Directly Ask Why Someone Doesn’t Drink?
That is completely normal. People are often hesitant when sharing private things or opening up about struggles. So we suggest you take a round trip to the conversation and ask them indirectly. Here is what you can do.
- It’s a psychological tactic to get the answer you want. Share your own experience with them. They will feel relaxed and understood.
- Try to talk in general about drinking and see if they open up.
- Just don’t be naive to ask directly and carefully observe. Many times it’s hidden in plain sight.
- If they still don’t share just ask nothing more.
Why Someone Doesn’t Drink?
Well, maybe you are still curious as to why someone will refuse to drink. Here are some reasons
- They may be having health issues that they don’t want to share publicly.
- Maybe they are improving their lifestyle and making some positive choices. People wouldn’t want to talk about it unless the results are pretty obvious.
- Well, the reason can be as simple as they may not like the taste of the drink and are finding it disrespectful to the host to mention it directly.
- Some people may be fighting addiction and trying to limit their alcohol consumption.
- They might be doing it for the sake of their loved ones.
- If they are female, good news could be around the corner.
- They can have medical conditions that are accelerated by alcohol.
Appropriate Response When Someone Refuse To Drink?
When asking someone why they don’t drink, be prepared for the responses. You might not be expecting their reaction or answer. Here is what you must do
- If they share, show concern and listen to them carefully. Be sensitive about them.
- Offer them support and if they accept, give it generously.
- If they don’t answer, don’t be consistent in asking. Give them space.
- Try to make conversation about other things too so they don’t feel that you are poking their nose in their business.
- Say, thank you for sharing.
- Don’t make a big deal out of it.
- Show them that you understand.
- There is a difference between curiosity and concern. Show genuine concern.
- Never ask such questions in public.
- If someone doesn’t drink, try to give them another option. Like offering them non-alcoholic beverages such as sparkling water, mocktails, and soft drinks, so they feel included.
In short, there is no straightforward answer to When is It Appropriate To Ask Why Someone Doesn’t Drink? You have to be careful and empathetic when asking such questions. Just make sure that you do not violate their privacy or ruin things publicly for them.