Sparkling Water vs Soda Water

sparkling water vs soda water

People often get confused between sparkling water and soda water. What is what and which is better than the other? Today, we are here to sort out all your confusion and tell you everything about sparkling water vs soda water. How they are different and what are the benefits and which is better?

What is Sparkling Water?

We all know sparkling water with very common names like carbonated water or fizzy drinks. They are also called seltzer. Sparkling water has a dissolved Carbon dioxide gas in it. You see little bubbles in sparkling water, they are because of that gas. Sparkling water can both be natural and artificial.

Natural sparkling water means that you source such sparkling water from springs that naturally contain CO2 and minerals like Calcium, Mg and Sodium.

Sometimes natural water is artificially infused with Carbon dioxide under pressure. Usually, it is just water and gas with no other minerals so we can say it is the closest thing to natural water.

What is Soda Water?

Soda water is club soda. A very common drink to order while clubbing. Club soda is also carbonated water plus minerals like sodium bicarbonate, sodium chloride, and potassium sulfate. They add flavour and make the water taste like mineral water.

It usually has slightly tangy and salty water making it different from sparkling water. Mixologists use it as a mixer in cocktails.

soda water
soda water

Sparkling Water vs Soda Water Difference

Sparkling water and soda water are not the same. Here are some differences that set them apart.

  • First of all, sparkling water has different minerals than soda water. These minerals add different tastes to water. Now natural sparkling water and artificially made one also have differences in taste because of this mineral content.
  • Both the waters have different production methods. Sparkling water can be obtained naturally or synthetically. However, Soda water is always artificially infused with minerals to create a distinctive taste profile.
  • In terms of flavour, sparkling soda has a clean crisp taste and soda water has a slightly tangy, salty and a bit loud taste.

Uses of Sparkling Water and Soda Water

  • You can drink both soda water and sparkling water in their natural states as they are, without adding anything. It depends on which would you like more in terms of taste.
  • Sparkling water and soda water can both be used as mixers in cocktails, Sparkling water is commonly used in Spritz or Aperol where as Soda water is in Vodka soda, whiskey soda or Tom Collins.
  • They are also used in cooking. Sparkling soda is added to bring lightness and airiness in recipes like pancakes or batters etc whereas Soda water is used in recipes that can make use of its unique flavour profile.

Health Benefits

pouring water in glass
pouring water in glass

Well, they have some amazing health benefits. For example,

  • Both glasses of water are a very good source of hydration. They are enjoyable and some people like drinking them because that encourages fluid intake.
  • All carbonated water is good for digestion as it fuels the digestive process and sometimes helps in digestion.
  • Both glasses of water are less in calories so they are very good for health-conscious people and are very good substitutes for sugary sodas and other sweetened drinks.

Sparkling Water Vs Soda Water

It’s all about personal choice. In Sparkling water vs soda water, there is no better option. Just what you like to have? Their tastes are different so naturally, people prefer their favourite tastes. Also, soda water has more sodium than sparkling water. So more health-conscious people may go for sparkling water.

In terms of which is healthier than other, they both can be a healthy option.You have to look out for your mineral intake as more than usual mineral intake can also be a problem in some people.

Can You Make Both Waters At Home?


Home carbonation systems have become increasingly popular for making both sparkling water and soda water. It’s very beneficial because

  • You can have both sparkling soda and carbonated soda at ease in your home. No need to buy bottles from the market.
  • It is very cost-effective. You can save a lot of money.
  • Making them at home allows you to do customization. You can add carbonation as much as you want and can also experiment with flavours.
  • Making them at home means less carbon footprint because you will save a lot of plastic from getting used in bottles.
  • In terms of money, you will just need the initial installation cost and then maintenance will include replacing CO2 cartridges.

Flavored Sparkling Water and Soda Water

sparkling water and soda water flavours
sparkling water and soda water flavours

You can customize both sparkling water and soda water in terms of flavours. Some natural flavours can be derived from herbs and fruits. You can also add synthetic flavours for more unique twists and personal preferences.

Common flavours of sparkling water include lemon, lime, grapefruit, berry, and cucumber. These flavours can be added during production. You can add all these flavours to soda water too which will mix with minerals and give the taste of their own.

Risks Of Carbonated Beverages

Soda water and Sparkling water may have lots of benefits but there are some risks involved too.

  • These waters are slightly acidic. Consuming them too much can have an impact on dental health. Although they are less harmful as compared to sugary carbonated drinks with time they will wear off natural dental enamels making your teeth weak.
  • Using these waters can cause bloating and gas in some people.
  • They are goo sources of hydration but these waters have a specific mineral content which may not be good for everyone.
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Drinks And Cocktails,Entertainment,Tips
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